Oscar Isaias Contreras Rojas.
Born in 1986 in Toluca, Mexico, lives and works between Florence and Venice.
He graduated at the painting course of the Fine Arts Academy of Venice, Italy and then he completed a M.A fine arts exchange in Middlesex University, London, UK.
He was a finalist in the prestigious Premio Cairo 2019 – Milan and Premio Combat 2020.
The work of Contreras is composed by artworks whose fulcrum is the theme of the landscape declined, however, in a dimension that ranges between reality, history, classicism, where color and the originality of the representation are the protagonists. In this case our mind is projected into an “other” dimension, both in the very small format paintings and in the great works that make us fluctuate between running horses and battles, between islands and sirens, between angels and temptations. The artist metabolizes the stimuli from ancient times to rework them in a tumultuous painting, on the ridge between figuration and abstraction. A vast imaginary emerges, from the dynamism of Tintoretto to the atmospheres of Turner (Cristiana Campanini).
Please click here for “Racconti Aperti” solo show by Oscar Contreras Rojas
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Selected Works
Selected exhibitions
Il gemello cattivo, Fondazione Malutta, Santa maria della scala, Siena.
Torre Maluttona e Mercato Babelico, Monitor Gallery Rome.
La passione e la visione, Mostra di Fine residenza 2017-2018, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Galeria a Piazza San Marco, Venezia.
777 in fondo a destra, School for Curatorial Studies Venice in collaborazione con Venice Art Projects, Fondamenta Sant’Anna 992/a, 994, 996 Venezia.
Sounds from society, Istituto Rumeno di Cultura, Venezia.
Fondazione Maluta & Black Market, Monitor Gallery, Roma.
Perpendicular, project by Fondazione Malutta,Parallel Vienna Art Fair, Vienna, Austria.
Trigger Party, Fondazione Malutta’s talks, curated by Siliqoon and promoted by Marsèlleria Permanent Exhibition, Milan
Passengers That Come And Go, project by Fondazione Malutta, Tulla Culture Center, Tirana, Albania.
Biennale di pittura Luis Nishizawa, Toluca, Messico.
Laboratorio Aperto, Forte Marghera, Venezia.
A Heap of Language, Gasworks Gallery, Londra.
Esto no es Arte, Fundacion Simon I. Patiño, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Residenza Atelier Austmarka, Austmarka, Norvegia.
Laboratorio Aperto, Forte Marghera, Venezia.
Accademici Paesaggi e non, MUPA, Museo del paesaggio di Torre di Mosto.
Laboratorio Aperto, Forte Marghera, Venezia.
97ma Colletiva di Giovani Artisti, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venezia.
Residenza INNESTI, Trento.
Dormiveglia, Grigno (TN).
Surfacing, Griffin Gallery, Londra.
Art Stays Art Affair, Ptuj, Slovenia.
AAM Milano Art Fair
Finalista alla Bienale Luis Nizhisawa, Messico.
Fnalista Fondazione Paolina Brugnatelli
Menzione della Giuria, Premio Combat
Artista selezionato per la 97ma collettiva di Giovani Artisti, Fondazione Bevilacqua la masa, Venezia.
Vincitore del Premio AOP
Artista selezionato per i mock up paintings di mark grotjahn, Prima materia, Punta della dogana, Venezia
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